StarPeace StarMap Oracle Cards


StarPeace 101: How To Create Peace In One Generation

StarPeace 101:
How To Create Peace In One Generation


A Revolutionary Blueprint for Transforming Humanity's Future

The StarMaps are gifted to us from the StarPeace Collective and form a bridge that allow a shift in consciousness from 3D to 5D consciousness whenever it is needed. Wherever direction is required, or you feel stuck... call on the StarMaps to gift you the most helpful perspective that aligns you with your Divine StarSeed mission.

You see, those of us who are here to trailblaze in the CoCreation of a New Earth paradigm often feel lost.
Because there is NOTHING outside we can rely on.
Our inner compass is the only reliable instrument to guide us through the illusions and delusions of the crumbing but still seemingly 'real' F.E.A.R. Matrix.
YES, we get instructions downloaded into our subconscious during sleep, prayer and meditation time, but the survival programming, aka ego self, will do all it can to stick to what it knows, which creates confusion in us.
I know I really wanted a map I could follow with clear instructions from A to Z.
What I learned is with our mission, we get given the bigger picture vision and the next step to take.
That's IT!
The StarMaps allow you to build a bridge in REAL time, from where you are to where you want to be, one step at a time.

As you can see, I don't have everything ready. I have set the scene, knowing next steps will be given. Those of you waiting for everything to be's time to let that go. Perfection comes through refinement. Get your gifts out into this world pronto. They are needed.
The StarMap Oracle cards will be ready soon. They will each have their own I AM statement and helpful questions, that allow you to access the answers that are already within you.

In the meantime, I will show you how you can use the StarMaps in the StarPeace 101 book, to ask for guidance and clarify what to prioritise and how, in order to make manifest that which is the nest step(s) of your soul mission.

Join me live in the free trainings I Am offering monthly for those of you who purchase the book, and check out the video here for how to work with StarMaps in your book.


As you can see, I don't have everything ready. I have set the scene, knowing next steps will be given. Those of you waiting for everything to be's time to let that go. Perfection comes through refinement. Get your gifts out into this world pronto. They are needed.
The StarMap Oracle cards will be ready soon.
They will each have their own I AM statement and helpful questions, that allow you to access the answers that are already within you.

In the meantime, I will show you how you can use the StarMaps in the StarPeace 101 book, to ask for guidance and clarify what to prioritise and how, in order to make manifest that which is the nest step(s) of your soul mission.

Join me live in the free trainings I Am offering monthly for those of you who purchase the book, and check out the video here for how to work with StarMaps in your book.

For those of you who pre order the Oracle cards, I will gift you the pdfs of the StarMaps that I work with in the video, so you can work with these while you're waiting. Pre order the StarMap Oracle cards here:

‘The StarPeace blueprint reminds us that peace isn't just possible - it's inevitable when we remember who we truly are. In one generation, we can CoCreate Paradise on Earth. This manual shows us how.’

Suzanna Kennedy, Ascension Catalyst & 5D Leadership Coach

Everything we need to CoCreate Peace is in this book. Your message is SO consistent. You are a channel of the purest love and light.’

Kate Coulson, Yoga Channel & Senior RozyGlow Coach

If you have been searching for peace in this crazy ass world, this is a the phenomenal journey you do not want to miss! A re-membering to the highest octave! Buckle up as Rosanna guides you from 3D chaos to our ultimate StarPeace. It’s like she is in the room with you - the puzzle pieces just keep dropping in. The more I read the more I learnt how to see my unique purpose, with StarPeace as the lens. I feel unstoppable, at ease, graceful, and empowered into my highest self.

Cherrie Joy, EcoTherapist

‘I love this book: well written, easy to read and understand, a must read for both anyone waking up and thinking what’s going on? And anyone who’s awake and needing guidance on their next steps, truly a manual for star seeds.

Anne Marie Blessing

So eye opening, brings together so many different concepts and lays the foundation for how peace is truly possible - the methods, science and research. It is incredibly practical and if anyone was ever sceptical about what has gone on over the past few years, read the book. Perfect for conspiracy theorists, sceptics, seekers and the makers of entertainment

Elpida, Designer

Reading the dedication brought tears to my eyes and felt the StarPeace collective right here with me as I was reading and felt love flowing in from them.

Amy Lefevre, Light Body Adventure Team

‘This is so fucking good Rozy ❤️



About Rosanna

Rosanna 'RozyGlow' Hanness is a trusted advisor and badass spiritual evolution luminary for business leaders, influencers and entertainment creators connected to their Higher Self. As the founder of the StarPeace movement and CoCreator of Paradise Earth, she empowers heart-centred leaders and visionaries through her expertise in transmuting emotional pain and limiting beliefs.

She guides soul-empaths in overcoming unworthiness, undeservingness, and fear of failure, enabling multidimensional success and alignment with their stratospheric impact.

Rosanna helps awakening humans in positions of influence and power to unleash their massive, evolutionary potential.

A Once In THIS Lifetime Invitation for Heart Centred Leaders, Luminaries, Way Showers and Visionaries ready to embody the frequency that allows you to manifest your desired reality, for yourself AND the world with Divine Grace, Ease & Speed.
You will feel the call to the 3 month intimate container and in person retreat as you are a code keeper of the Paradise Earth & StarPeace frequencies who is ready to have these codes activated. This stops you playing small and living your life endlessly 'trying', so you can finally attain what means so much to you but has seemed impossible to actualise or manifest.
No one really knows how much stress and struggle this causes you as all they see is someone strong and capable on the surface who seems to have it all.


The YOU that you are stepping up to align with, integrate and embody is:

Activated with the energetic blueprint codes from your StarFamilies which allow you access to latent talents gained in previous incarnations, including the Paradise Earth codes, Christ Light Miracle codes Atlantean Master Teacher codes and the StarPeace codes. Your soul has already felt the impulse to download and activate these codes in yourself, the earth, and those who are your soul aligned clients, audience, followers and subscribers

Feeling fully seen and heard as you have been supported and held in a safe transformational nurture space where you can be real and raw and have revealed to you what has been holding you back from receiving what you desire and require for your PERSONAL PEACE so you can truly give from this resonance as you have rewritten your life story script blueprint

In receipt of clear next steps guidance and strategy that has come DIRECTLY from your resolved soul self, fully trusting that you can implement that guidance, knowing the follow on steps will be revealed as you move forward with confidence, trusting in the inevitable unfolding of your bigger picture vision which is part of the Thrive Paradigm masterplan

Fully equipped with the most effective tools and skills required to BE in full resonance with the frequency of your intended outcomes, therefore only taking inspired actions in alignment with that resonance which is the 80/20 rule embodied. This allows you to let go of slower and harder manifesting methodologies and expanded your energetic holding capacity and container so you can maintain your upgraded frequency and charge fully

Enjoying the upgrade of your inner masculine and feminine, experiencing what it feels like for your inner team to be working together in harmony as you have learned the art of cocreating from grace and ease rather than struggling and hustling, so you can experience a beautiful shift in your external relationships, increase the flow of prosperity and abundance where you want it most, feel fully supported in your intentions and trust in the Divine Timing of materialising into physical form that which is in alignment with the Highest Good of ALL

Able to access the clear guidance and support of your non physical team and the various messengers communicating with you whilst staying clear of attachments that drain your energy through having learned the key hacks to keeping your energy sovereign and tuned into highest guidance only. This is an ABSOLUTE ESSENTIAL for those who identify as empaths

Elated to have experienced being completely still, tuned into the magic of nature and able to access AT WILL, the clear voice and vibrational frequency of your Highest Self which is now FULLY ANCHORED in your cellular memory whilst turning the dial down on all the external noise, demands and distractions, feeling refreshed, reset and aligned with your most optimal grace and ease timeline

Revelling in the new soul tribe aligned connections you have made with those who you have journeyed with over the three month period who have the skills and contacts that can support the actualisation of your vision and purpose and you can now call your soul family friends in the physical realm


"Miracles literally happen by being in RozyGlow's presence, Be ready to RECEIVE"

Sessions Include

All sessions will be online except for the in person retreat. Dates will be announced once we have taken bookings. If you can't make the live date replays will be available.

I will be offering daily voice message support through a group Telegram private communication space throughout the container to swiftly move through anything that’s coming up to allow you to have quantum leap breakthroughs in real time (this in itself is the value of the container!)


Online ceremony and initiation to activate the Lion’s Gate Peace Portal in our energy field and begin the star codes download

An online half day intensive to rewrite your personal narrative in all the areas where you most desire an upgrade so you are living the life of YOUR dreams, feeling fully supported to thrive


In person retreat at The Dreaming, Wales where we will be anchoring the various light codes being gifted including the Paradise Earth codes, Atlantean Master Teacher codes, StarPeace codes and more. This is your chance to completely switch off from the fast paced buzzing world and access your Divine essence through connecting with nature, the crystal kingdom, your soul tribe and physical, spiritual and mindset practices that will elevate your vibrational resonance and smash resistance out of the park, wherever you are experiencing it


An online half day intensive to anchor the energies of the time we spent together in retreat, reflecting on and clarifying the guidance given and solidify networking connections so you can take tangible next steps for anchoring the upgrades received into your physical reality

A introduction to the 9 StarMaps that form the bridge from the old world to the new one and the 13 universal Laws that will weave together the fabric of our New Earth reality. This will allow you to fully anchor to 5D and beyond, so you are embodying your Highest Self timeline

A 121 integration session with me where we fully anchor your Divine Human template and clarify the instructions you have received to continue with your onward soul mission in alignment with having the most impact


Closing ceremony to anchor the Peace Portal codes into our home and land environments so that the codes activated can actualise in Divine Timing and the frequency maintained

"What RozyGlow connects me to in 90 minutes, I haven't accessed before, despite years and thousands of dollars spent in therapy"

"What RozyGlow connects me to in 90 minutes, I haven't accessed before, despite years and thousands of dollars spent in therapy"

Conscious networking opportunity leading to our first collective MasterHeart

Incredible Opportunity

The new earth is to be built through the 13 'C's of CoCreation which I will share with you as part of our three month container. Those of us who heed the call to come together will have the required skill set between us to share a new message of hope with the world we know.

Meeting other Conscious Creatives, Visionaries and Wayshowers who are heart activated and soul embodied allows for swift shifts where they are required and a full alignment with Divine Timing. Please know that as you sign up, those who join you on the retreat, will be supporting the inevitable success of your part of our collective PEACE project.

Whether you are a CEO, mentor, coach, musician, actor, influencer, screenwriter, activist, podcaster, PR, marketer, author, investor, leader or visionary, please know you will gather with those who are your soul tribe and have a soul agreement to support you as you support them to create even more impact than previously possible.


As above, so below.

As seen in
