Free Training: Attention

Your Sacred Invitation

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The Architects of New Earth, bringing new concepts and narratives to the world.

You will already be in an established Leadership, Authority or Influencer position possibly aligned with the entertainment industry, for example, a Director, screen writer, song writer, CEO, Author etc.

Creatives making a social impact

I believe the entertainment industry can help co-create peace on earth. We want a world where humanity is no longer stuck in wars, violence, fear, addiction, struggle and survival. But until films and TV reflects this, nothing will change. 

As an early influences expert and multidimensional success coach with 22 years’ experience, I know that stress addiction begins in the womb. What pregnant women consume with their senses triggers either an adrenaline (negative), or an oxytocin (positive) hormonal response in their body. This directly influences whether their unborn baby is wired to thrive in the world, or merely fight to survive.

To create a future that is not a repeat of the past, we must focus on what is created and consumed as entertainment. The creators (producers, directors, actors) have the power to change the narrative of our collective consciousness.

Life imitates art. Imagine television and films flooding us with positive, life-affirming messages, fuelling love instead of stress hormones, and modelling how to live as conscious, heart-centred humans.

I am excited to share how each and every one of us can shift our focus, overcome our inherited beliefs and conditioning, and change our subconscious expectations from StarWars to StarPeace.

Those who CREATE the content we consume can have a huge impact:

Are you telling the story you WANT to tell? Where are you CoCreating.  From your conditioning (ego programming) or your Soul Consciousness?

Is what you are creating something you want to be energised by the collective? Can you be more solution-focused?

Is unprocessed emotional, psychological or physical pain motivating your creations? What if we put your soul in control of your creations so those who tune into what you are creating are taken on a journey from pain to pleasure?

Why do you create what you create? What is your motivation? Are you telling the same story again and again, and if so, IS this, the story you WANT to tell?

Soul-led CoCreation is heart-focused. First, we connect with how we want people to FEEL, then we download the content

Inspiration is born of the imagination. What ELSE is possible beyond what we already 'know'. Can you use the story you want to tell to highlight an issue and explore what else is possible?

WHAT is inspiring you to share what you are sharing with the world. How would this look and feel if your PERSONAL programming was upgraded from survival conditioning (ego identity) to plugging into your SOUL consciousness and CoCreating from there?

We live in a world where communication is easy. This means that negative, FEAR-based narrative spreads quickly.
But this also works for positive narrative, so make sure you:

Amplify the GOOD by sharing and spreading POSITIVE information

Choose to share SOLUTIONS to problems you perceive in the world