Working With Me
I invite YOU to book an introductory call with me so we can tune in quickly to where you are on this journey and what is required for you to accelerate humanity’s evolution through your personal story and passion for change.
My tailor made offerings are bespoke to YOU. How I suggest we work together will depend on where you already are on the human consciousness journey from 3D to 5D, and how willing your Human Self is to put your Soul in Control.
The Superconscious CoCreation 101 VIP Day
This sacred day is packed with Divine Human initiations that anchor you into your 5D frequency lightbody and teach you how to CoCreate consciously in alignment with your soul purpose.
Together we will download your most inspired vision, get crystal clear on what is in the way of it manifesting and where you get stuck in the CoCreation process so you can get out of your own way and let the miracles and magic manifest with grace and ease.
This is for you if you desire to clarify and upgrade your desires from ego to Higher Self as you raise your frequency to CoCreate from your soul and activate your Divine Matrix Blueprint for more love, connection and contentment in your life.
From £12K depending on physical or virtual experience and desired location
Paradise Earth Pioneer Soul Blueprint Activation and Initiation
The Red Pill 5D Divine Matrix Upgrade For Soul Awakening Highly Influential Humans
Who for?
This is for multi-millionaires and billionaires who are Change Makers, Entertainment Industry Revolutionaries, Philanthropists, Angel Investors and Executive Producers with a mission to raise the consciousness of humanity
The Upgrade
Deprogram and detox fully from the F.E.A.R. matrix by rewiring your challenging ancestral programming and early influences so you create from your Highest Self in 5D, claim your SuperPowers and rewrite the narrative of collective consciousness from struggle to the thriving frequency of world peace.
For those of us here as CoCreators of Paradise Earth, this 4-6 month mind, body spirit rewiring and upgrade aligns your subconscious and conscious mind, with your SuperConscious aka Higher Self/Soul Self.
This allows you to create from the highest octave of your consciousness by loving up and reframing the traumas and challenges of your past, allowing your self identity to completely shift in the most compassionate way.
This journey with me sets you up so you can truly enjoy your existence and share your gifts and creations with this world in the most beneficially impactful way, maximising the potency of your inspired creativity, in a world that is now ready to be fuelled by love rather than stress and fear.
Why do creatives struggle so much with emotional and psychological wellbeing?
Ironically, on a soul level, we are the very ones who orchestrate the limitations in our human life, so we can be super clear that the human version of ourself is ready and able to handle the responsibility that comes with the next level of our soul mission. Access to our super powers can only be granted when we are sure that we will not abuse the power that comes with CoCreating reality consciously.
What is a StarSeed?
An emotional empath human connected to their soul consciousness, on a volunteer mission here on earth to support ascension. StarSeeds are typically born into bloodline families that require a big karmic clearing in order to progress beyond the limiting beliefs that get passed from one generation to the next. It is normal to experience many struggles in early life - this is by design as it is the desire to overcome the pain of the past that activates the soul memory of mastery and activates the StarSeed to remember their soul mission. This is to help others overcome similar struggles, through their own example.
From £44K